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First Assignment

1 Feb

Preparations are underway for our first assignment. This is already problematic mainly due to not having a particularly advanced digital camera. I took what our lecturer said and investigated the capacities of my point-and-click camera but found it was sadly lacking in the capabilities required for the assignment. Thankfully I managed to source what I think will be an adequate camera, although I will have to check its capabilities in class on Friday.

I already have some ideas for the project, but I will have to practice with the camera first to see whether it will be able to do what I want it to do. Some of the photographs I’ve been taking over the years with my point-and-click camera have turned out quite well, so hopefully this particular camera will help better them.

I found some websites helpful in trying to figure out a ‘theme’ to pursue in my assignment. First was a blog set up by my friend (so I’m biased) but I liked that it was clearly to be enjoyed by people who did not have a professional interest in photography. I also liked her links to interesting and different aspects of photography in general. Another blog I found interesting was one about daily life in New York City. This helped focus my interest in taking a snapshot of a city, although I chose to focus more on architecture than people.

In the end, however, I decided that I would try and capture the urban area that I live in at the moment, primarily because I will probably be moving out soon, and it was an area which has already interested me. From living in many different areas of Dublin, I feel that this area has a truly unique identity, and one definitely worthy of a photography assignment.