That’s All, Folks!

15 Apr

At least, that’s it in terms of class time.

I’ve mentioned previously that I would not call myself a technophile. I would also not describe myself as particularly adept at giving presentations. I’d like to think that at least one of these personality characteristics has changed since I’ve taken this class. Unfortunately for me, I don’t think it was giving presentations. On Friday the 13th (fitting that it wasn’t Good Friday) we gave our presentations to the class showing everybody how we put together our blog. Sometimes it’s a blessing having a surname that will always be near the end of an alphabetical list.

I had spent most of the morning familiarising myself with Prezi, a fantastic online resource which has surely done a serious blow against boring presentations. I then realised that I had misread the communication from our lecturer, and we weren’t required to do a presentation with slides and screenshots. But I’m pretty proud of what I achieved here, and it’s definitely digimedia, so you can have a look at it here.

The less said about the presentation, the better. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might have been, but I would’ve loved to have been able to hide behind Prezi.

My future with blogging
I was initially working under the assumption that this blog would live and die along with how long the class ran, but something our lecturer said made me think that I might keep it running. With WordPress, you can have multiple blogs devoted to specific areas. I have been thinking of setting up a blog relating to my attempts to become a librarian. As I’ve said previously, I don’t feel there is any sort of natural distinction between librarianship and technology (I’d actually think that technology is essential to being a librarian) and I feel that these two blogs would work well together. I’d like to be able to talk about technological concepts and developments that are interesting while not necessarily impacting directly on librarianship. But we’ll see.

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